Utilization of Learning Management Systems: Perspective of Physically Challenged Learners in Africa


  • Damas Benjamin Mahali The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


The purpose of the study was to examine the Utilization of Learning Management Systems: Perspective of Physically Challenged Learners in Africa. The study was guided by three objectives which were; to establish the factors influencing the utilization of learning management systems by physically challenged learners in Africa, to determine the barriers hindering utilization of learning management systems by physically challenged learners in Africa and to provide Policy Recommendations based on the findings. The study was informed by the Diffusion of Innovation Theory and the Change Theory. Learning disabilities (LD) vary from person to person. One person with learning disabilities may not have the same as another is having, one person may have trouble with reading and writing, however, another may have the problem of understanding a concept and the other may have the problem of understanding what others are telling them. The most obvious benefit of Learning Management Systems (LMS) utilization for the physically challenged students is that they stay in their comfort zone without rushing to a campus or commuting between classes to classes. The paper used a desk study review methodology where relevant empirical literature was reviewed to identify main themes. The study findings revealed that, acknowledging accessibility in e-Learning is a key issue vouching to promote and ensure e-inclusion of students with disabilities. The study recommended that, studies evaluating utilization of LMS should employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches such that each can compensate for the weakness of the other, thereby giving a detailed and credible result.

Key Words: LMS, Physically Challenged Learners, Utilization

Author Biography

Damas Benjamin Mahali, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

PhD Candidate


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How to Cite

Mahali, D. B. (2019). Utilization of Learning Management Systems: Perspective of Physically Challenged Learners in Africa. Journal of Education, 2(1), 53–72. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-education/article/view/279




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