Assessment of Practical Skill in the Implementation of Competence Base Curriculum in Secondary Schools of Temeke District, Tanzania
The purpose of this study was to explore on the Implementation of Competence Based curriculum in Secondary schools of Temeke District in Tanzania. The study was guided by following research questions: What are the assessment modes used in the implementation of competence based curriculum in secondary schools in Temeke district- Tanzania? Which resources are available for the assessment of the implementation of competence based curriculum in secondary schools in Temeke district-Tanzania? What are the teachers skills and competency in assessing competence-based curriculum implementation in secondary schools in Temeke district-Tanzania? How do teachers use the assessment feedback to improve practical skills in secondary schools in Temeke District- Tanzania? The convergent research design method employed in the study. Probability random sampling and non-probability sampling helped to select respondents from learners, district educational officers and officers from National examinational council of Tanzania (NECTA). The actual sample was 391 students, 115 teachers, 7 headmasters/mistresses 4 students finished in those schools, 1 District education office, 1 director of NECTA and 1 Director from TIE. Data were collected by using questionnaires and interview guides. Qualitative and the quantitative data were analyzed separately and results converged during interpretation. The researcher adhere to the ethical consideration of research by betting the introduction letter from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa for data Collection, then sent the letter to Director of Municipal council in Temeke. The director gave the researcher permission collect data in schools by the allocation of the District Education Officer. In the process of data collection the research considered the anonymity and confidentiality of the respondent. The researcher considered the humanity to all respondent when they were participating in this study. Quantitative data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science version 23 and was presented using frequencies and percentages. Qualitative data analyzed using the thematic analysis approach and presented using narrative descriptions. The finding show that the competence based curriculum in Temeke District in Tanzania is still wanting. The mode of assessment used in school in pen and papers, the availability of resources is poor and the teachers are incompetent in assessing the practical skills in secondary school in Temeke District in Tanzania.
Keywords: Assessment, Competence-Based Curriculum, Practical Skills, Assessment Mode
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