Relationship between Teachers Involvement in Planning and Students Performance in integrated English; a Case study of Quilmes High School, Argentina


  • Erten Vargas Cordella Austral University
  • Cavus Candlin Razzak Austral University
  • Qasem Boarnet Bernstein Austral University


The integrated approach is crucial in teaching the English language and helps learners improve their language skills. The integrated approach does not only enrich learners with their vocabulary but also they learn to use language in a variety of ways. The study examined the effect of teachers involvement in planning an integrated curriculum and student performance. The study utilized the descriptive research design and the unit of observation was teachers. The findings of the study established that teachers were not always involved in the setting of the curriculum, and they were only supposed to implement what has been set by the government and the curriculum developers. Additionally, the study found that teachers awareness of how to teach the integrated curriculum influenced the quality of education and understanding among the students. Besides, the findings of the study established that learner-centered strategies are the suggested techniques; however; the instructors make use of educator- centered. A lot of the lessons were academic, where the educator primarily controlled experiences. Besides, the results of the examination reported that lack of appropriate resources was a severe obstacle to the use of learner-centered techniques. Though all the institutions were well-staffed, other sources like sound- visual aids were a significant obstacle. The study also established that integrated English aims at accelerating the development of children intelligence, thinking ability, and language competences and also helps the learners develop their language proficiency as well as literary expertise. The study concluded that teachers of integrated English are aware of the educator- centered and also a learner-centered mentor- finding out strategies.Teacher-focused approaches highly dominated English classrooms. The study also concluded that teachers were not adequately involved in the strategic planning in and this softens the quality of education provided. Additionally, teachers awareness (possessed knowledge and skills in strategic planning) influenced the quality of education. Moreover, the findings revealed that the teachers performance and measurement strategies used affected the quality of education they provided. The study also concluded that the absence of teaching-learning sources makes educators make use of teacher-centered approaches. The study recommended that the school owners put in place all possible measures to improve teachers motivation if they are looking for quality education. Additionally, the school leaders ought to prepare training to raise teachers awareness in the planning process of the integrated curriculum and their influence on quality education improvement. Additionally, Policymakers should make policies that increase teachers motivation, which was declined in these times.

Keywords: Teachers Involvement, Planning, integrated curriculum, Student Performance, Quilmes High School, Argentina

Author Biographies

Erten Vargas Cordella, Austral University

Post graduate student, Austral University

Cavus Candlin Razzak, Austral University

Post graduate Student, Austral University

Qasem Boarnet Bernstein, Austral University

Lecturer, Austral University


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How to Cite

Cordella, E. V., Razzak, C. C., & Bernstein, Q. B. (2020). Relationship between Teachers Involvement in Planning and Students Performance in integrated English; a Case study of Quilmes High School, Argentina. Journal of Education, 3(1), 1–7. Retrieved from


