Contribution of Reward Systems towards Teachers’ Job Satisfaction among Public Secondary Schools in Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya
This study sought to determine the influence of reward systems on teachers’ job satisfaction in public secondary schools. The specific research question sought to determine the different reward systems contribution towards teachers’ job satisfaction in the17 public secondary schools in Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya. The target population comprised of Principals, Boards of Management, Ministry of Education officials, Teachers Service Commission officials, teachers and students. The study adopted a Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods Design. Data collection instruments were questionnaires and interview guides which were subjected to content validity. Quantitative data analysis was done by cleaning, coding and entering into a computer SPSS software version 24 to generate frequencies and percentages that summarized data. These were presented in frequency distribution tables. On teachers’ rating on contribution of reward system, the normal mean of the reactions was 2.70 that implies that most of the respondents were disagreeing with a large portion of the statements’ responses were varied as shown by a standard deviation of 1.4612. For the BOMs’ Rating on Contribution of Reward Systems, the normal mean of the reactions was 3.412 that implied that most of the respondents were agreeing with a large portion of the statements’ responses being varied as shown by a standard deviation of 1.417. The study concluded that an organization’s reward systems should also be commensurate with the effort that each individual staff offers as well as be at par with the other firms of the same standard that operate in an economy. It was also concluded that performance-based rewards affect the performance of teachers in different ways and it was realized that performance based rewards motivate teachers and increases their performance, improve teachers’ productivity and efficiency. The study recommends an issuance of rewards based on merit, timely rewards, and come up with activities that will motivate their teachers and allocate funds for the same. The offer of rewards based on non-performance considerations should be done after a fair and accurate evaluation of its effects on the beneficiary. The teachers’ employer should be trained and sensitized about the value of performance based rewarding systems. They should be made aware that pay motivates teachers to perform at their best. This means that to implement a performance-based scheme, administrators should not perceive the process as being expensive and time consuming, but rather, a necessity where performance-based financial incentives do not provide enough incentives for teachers to improve. The TSC should consider promotions to higher job groups based on merit and efforts put in the teachers rather than only consider promotions based on the number of years of service.
Keywords: Reward Systems, Teachers’ Job Satisfaction, Public Secondary Schools, Kikuyu Sub-County, Kiambu County, Kenya