Teachers’ Motivation and Performance in Technical Secondary Schools in Rwanda


  • Harerimana Emmanuel Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
  • Jean Paul Harerimana VVOB & UNICEF, Rwanda
  • Alice Kituyi Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


The motivation given to teachers either intrinsically of extrinsically improve their daily working conditions in school setting that lead to improved performance. This means that the learning institutions should manage effectively the provision of teachers’ motivation. The purpose of this paper was to examine motivation and performance of teachers in technical secondary schools in Muhanga district in Rwanda. This paper employed correlation research design. The target population was 212people that provided the sample size of 146 got using Solvin’s formula. Interview guide and questionnaire were used as data collection instruments. The findings presented that provision of meals at school to teachers is the highest extrinsic motivation provided in Muhanga district as showed by the mean of 3.18 and the standard deviation of 1.08 while provision of extra teaching allowances was indicated to be at lower level as was indicated by the mean of 2.02 and 0.95 of the standard deviation.  However, teachers awareness to fulfill the assigned tasks was indicated to be the highest intrinsic motivation as was presented by the mean of 3.94 and the standard deviation of 1.09 while having self-control to teachers was indicated to be the low as the mean was 2.88 and 1.16 of standard deviation. The findings also revealed that an average of 87.58% of teachers, agreed on the performance of TSSs teachers located in Muhanga district. However, it was perceived that having effective course management by teachers was indicated to be at high level of teachers’ performance as indicated by the mean of 4.1 and 0.80 of standard deviation. Finally the findings stated that there is a statistical significance high degree of positive correlation between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with teachers’ performance as it was proved by Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation (r) which were .805 and .764 respectively. The paper recommends that Ministry of Education should provide adequate technical teaching materials and reinforce technical trainings to teachers while school head teachers should enhance teachers rewards based on performance and provide meals at schools.

Keywords: Teachers’ Motivation, Teachers’ Performance, Extrinsic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation and Technical Secondary Schools.

Author Biographies

Harerimana Emmanuel, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Postgraduate student, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Jean Paul Harerimana, VVOB & UNICEF, Rwanda

Educational Consultant, VVOB & UNICEF, Rwanda

Alice Kituyi, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dean, School of Post Graduate Studies, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda




How to Cite

Emmanuel, H., Harerimana, J. P., & Kituyi, A. (2020). Teachers’ Motivation and Performance in Technical Secondary Schools in Rwanda. Journal of Education, 3(5). Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-education/article/view/583


