Effect of Teachers’ Preparedness on Competence Based Curriculum Implementation in Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Rusizi District in Rwanda


  • Umutesi Jeanne Mount Kenya University
  • Marie Claire Mukamazimpaka Mount Kenya University


The effective preparedness of teachers plays a significant role in implementation of Competence Based Curriculum (CBC). However, some learning instruction poorly implement CBC due to the lack of standardized teachers’ preparedness. This paper therefore, sought to investigate the effects of teachers’ preparedness on CBC implementation in Rusizi District. Descriptive research design was employed. The target population was 148 people comprising 8 head teachers and 140 teachers. The sample size was 112 respondents obtained by using solvin’s formula. Data collection tools used was interview guides and questionnaire. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software version 21.0 was adopted for data management. The findings revealed that, teacher preparedness in boarding secondary schools located in Rusizi District were characterized by teacher readiness, subject content knowledge of teachers and technological skills presented as it was revealed by average of 64.90% of teachers agreed. The findings indicated that an average of 67.88% of teachers agreed that competence based curriculum implementation could be done through effective lesson delivery, competence-based strategies as well as students’ participation in boarding secondary schools. The findings also revealed that effective teachers’ preparedness improve the level of competence based curriculum implementation as the R square of .813 was obtained. This implied that the remaining 18.7% can be explained by other factors. The study concluded that teacher preparedness has a significant effect on competence-based curriculum implementation in boarding schools in Rusizi district in Rwanda. It was revealed that the standard level of teachers’ preparedness may increase effective implementation of competence-based curriculum. This study recommended that The Ministry of Education should strengthen teacher professional trainings in order to improve their level of readiness and for proper competence based curriculum implementation.

Keywords: Teacher’ preparedness, Competence Based Curriculum, teachers’ readiness, competence, implementation and curriculum.

Author Biographies

Umutesi Jeanne, Mount Kenya University

Post graduate student, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Marie Claire Mukamazimpaka, Mount Kenya University

Dean, school of education, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda



How to Cite

Jeanne, U., & Mukamazimpaka, M. C. (2020). Effect of Teachers’ Preparedness on Competence Based Curriculum Implementation in Public Boarding Secondary Schools in Rusizi District in Rwanda. Journal of Education, 3(6). Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-education/article/view/638


