The Influence of Motivation on Teacher Performance in Boarding Secondary Schools of the Western Province of Rwanda


  • Rugirangoga Esdras Mount Kenya University
  • Hesbon Opiyo Andala Mount Kenya University


This study intended to investigate the influence of motivation on teacher performance in boarding secondary schools of Western Province of Rwanda-Nyamasheke District. The theory underpinning the study was based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of human needs, classifies needs from physiological to self-actualization needs that when provided to the employees their performance increases. It implies that if employees are motivated without prejudice based upon their respective inputs, it leads them to the increase of the performance and executes their tasks effectively. The undesired living conditions of teachers in Nyamasheke District has been a problem to teachers performance which influenced the authorities to decide that boarding secondary schools teachers should be motivated in order to improve their performance and living conditions. This study is significant to everyone who wants to promote education through valuing teachers. The target population of 222 respondents comprising of teachers, Head teachers and Sector Education Inspectors (SEIs) from whom the sample size of 143 people were selected using simple random sampling, stratified random sampling techniques by the use of Slovin’s formula. The study utilized the descriptive research design, and both quantitative and qualitative descriptive approaches were adopted. Questionnaires and interview were utilized as the instruments of data collection. Data were analyzed using SPSS Version 21.0 through frequency tables, figures and Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation. The results of the study revealed that there were two major types of motivations namely intrinsic and extrinsic motivations where when teachers were provided with the necessary basic needs and treated with considerations they improve their teaching performance. In order to motivate teachers extrinsically, head teachers, parents and education officials ensured that teachers get incentives and bonuses as a supplement to their monthly salary. The results showed that boarding secondary schools teachers of Nyamasheke District perform higher than 80%. This was proved by 70% of the head teachers who were asked about the level of teachers in their respective schools, 80% of the educational officials at sector level who revealed that the performance of teachers in boarding secondary schools of Nyamasheke District is high as effects of receiving regular incentives. As to whether there was a relationship between teacher motivation and teacher performance, the findings have proved that there was high positive Karl Pearson Coefficient of correlation (r) of 0.742 to the side of teachers; and 0.711 to head teachers; which meant that when teachers are either extrinsically or intrinsically motivated their performance increase. The researcher recommended that school authorities and educational officials have to keep motivating teachers in one way or another in order to get required performance.

Keywords: Teacher’s intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, teacher’s performance.

Author Biographies

Rugirangoga Esdras, Mount Kenya University

Mount Kenya University-Rwand P. O. Box 9606 Kigali-Rwanda

Phone: + 250783410841

Hesbon Opiyo Andala, Mount Kenya University

Senior Lecturer

Mount Kenya University-Rwanda

Phone: +250782835664




How to Cite

Esdras, R., & Andala, H. O. (2021). The Influence of Motivation on Teacher Performance in Boarding Secondary Schools of the Western Province of Rwanda. Journal of Education, 4(1). Retrieved from




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