Influence of round table meetings by Board of Management on management of public Technical Training Institutes in Nairobi City County


  • Rose Ndanu Mulwa University of Nairobi
  • Edward Kanori University of Nairobi
  • Dr. Lucy Wangui Njagi University of Nairobi


The study objective was to determine the extent to which round table meetings by Board of Management influence management of public Technical Training. The study employed descriptive research design to determine corporate governance practices influencing management of public technical training institutes in Nairobi City County. The target population was three Technical training institutes in Nairobi City County. The study therefore targeted 54 BOMs, 3 bursars and 3 principals. The units of analysis were Board of management members, principals and bursars for the three public technical training institutes in Nairobi City County. Since the population size for principals and bursars was small, census technique was adopted to select a sample of 3 principals and 3 bursars. Simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 51 Board of Management members. Primary data were collected through the use of semi structured questionnaires and interview guides. Content validity was used by the researcher to check whether the items in the interview guides answer the research objectives. The results of the study indicated that Technical Training Institutes that conducted round table meetings was characterized by good management of Technical Training Institutes Based on research finding it can be concluded that Board of Management round table meetings influence management of Technical Training Institutes. It is recommended that the management of the technical training institutes ensures that round table meetings are held regularly so as to improve management of public Technical Training

Keywords: Round table meetings, BOM members, Management of Public Technical Training Institutes, Financial record keeping and Nairobi City County

Author Biographies

Rose Ndanu Mulwa, University of Nairobi

Postgraduate Student

Edward Kanori, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, Department of Educational Administration and Planning

University of Nairobi.

Dr. Lucy Wangui Njagi, University of Nairobi

Lecturer, Department of Educational Administrational and Planning

University of Nairobi.


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How to Cite

Mulwa, R. N., Kanori, E., & Njagi, D. L. W. (2017). Influence of round table meetings by Board of Management on management of public Technical Training Institutes in Nairobi City County. Journal of Education, 1(3), 26–36. Retrieved from




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