Influence of Entrepreneurial Capital on Growth of Women-Owned Micro and Small Enterprises in Central Kenya Counties
Entrepreneurial intangible resources such as entrepreneurial capital are important in driving growth of women-owned enterprises. Women-owned enterprises in Kenya are less likely to grow, are smaller, and are twice as likely to be operating from home compared to male-owned ones. They also lack the necessary entrepreneurial intangible resources critical for success. Due to these challenges, the Government of Kenya established the Uwezo Fund in 2014, for youth women empowerment in entrepreneurship. Women-owned micro and small enterprises supported by Uwezo fund have shown phenomenon growth in Central Kenya counties. However, the casualty level is still high like in rest of the country. Counties like Kiambaa, Tetu and Gatundu North have been performing dismally with some of the least growth in women enterprises. Despite the increasingly importance of entrepreneurial intangible resources in the recent times in determining enterprise success, few studies have given a considerable attention to this area. The specific objective was to assess the influence of entrepreneurial capital on growth of women-owned MSEs in Central Kenya counties. The target population was 1228 women entrepreneurs registered and recipients of Uwezo Fund. Sample size was 399 respondents. Data was collected through questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used in data analysis. Findings showed that entrepreneurial capital had a positive and significant relationship with growth of women-owned enterprises. Based on the findings, the study concluded that since women entrepreneurs endevour desired growth, there is need to invest in market-oriented skills, enhancement of the knowledge of the entrepreneur and employees and inculcate self-motivation. Women entrepreneurs should invest in upgrading self and employees abilities through education and training. Recommendations were that women enterprises should enhance their market-oriented skills, entrepreneur self-knowledge and individual motivation to realize growth of their enterprises.
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Capital, Growth of Women-Owned Micro and Small Enterprises.
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