Influence of Project Monitoring & Evaluation on Completion Time of Mwache Dam and Mukurumudzi Dam on Kwale County


  • James Munge The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Susan Wasike The Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Caroline Mungai The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Dam projects require extremely high technical requirements, human management capabilities and large budgets before starting their construction. Thus, time delivery to undertake project dam from problem identification, design, planning and actual construction is very important. Dam projects in Kenya are often not completed in the time scheduled at. This paper determined the influence of monitoring & evaluation on completion time of Mwache Dam and Mukurumudzi Dam in Kwale County. Descriptive research design was utilized in this study. The target population of the study was 212 comprising of 13 project managers, 45 project super indents, 22 site engineers, 17 financial consultants and 26 community representatives from Mwache Dam and 7 project managers, 39 project super indents, 16 site engineers, 9 financial consultants and 18 community representatives from Mukurumudzi Dam. Data was collected by administering structured questionnaires to dam project personnel. Quantitative data were analyzed with the help of the SPSS software Version 25.0 and both descriptive and inferential statistics were generated. Regression of coefficients showed that is a positive and significant relationship between project monitoring & evaluation and dam project completion for both Mwache Dam (β1=.892, p=0.000) and Mukurumudzi Dam (β2=.850, p=0.000). The study concludes that project monitoring & evaluation influences dam project completion time. The study recommends for the adherence of proper project monitoring and evaluation techniques to ensure timely completion of dam projects. Monitoring and evaluation of the dam need to periodic as it will help identify defects in the construction at the earliest time possible and corrective action taken.

Keywords: Monitoring & evaluation, completion time, Mwache dam, Mukurumudzi Dam, Kwale County

Author Biographies

James Munge, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Post Graduate Student, Graduate Business School

School of Business

Susan Wasike, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, School of Business,

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Caroline Mungai, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, School of Business,

The Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Munge, J., Wasike, S., & Mungai, C. (2020). Influence of Project Monitoring & Evaluation on Completion Time of Mwache Dam and Mukurumudzi Dam on Kwale County. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 4(3), 34–51. Retrieved from


