Innovation as an Enabler of Humanitarian NGO’s Performance: A Review of Literature


  • Rotuno Kipsang Catholic University of Eastern Africa
  • Susan Wasike Catholic University of Eastern Africa


Innovation is already and irreversibly part of the humanitarian organisations, driven by a demand for new models, growing private sector engagement, rapid technological change, need for better, faster, efficient and effective ways of assisting vulnerable communities. Donors and governments are demanding for ‘value for money’ for their contributions made through NGOs, The biggest risk is for NGOs not to innovate. Humanitarian NGO performance on the other hand remains an area that has received low interest to researchers and scholars, the situation has not been made better by the different opinions as to how to define and measure performance therefore the need to have clear empirical corroboration of NGO performance. The impact of innovations on performance of profit making organizations has received much attention to researchers, however from empirical studies on innovation as an enabler of Humanitarian NGO performance remains scarce. This paper attempts to review related literature on the subject with a view of highlighting it as an emergent agenda for more scholarly engagement. The review highlights theories underpinning innovation and performance, mentions some types of innovations and definition of performance from the humanitarian non-governmental organizations perspective and finally highlighting gaps in theoretical and empirical literature for further research on the topic.

Keywords: Product Innovation, Process Innovation, NGO’s & Performance.

Author Biographies

Rotuno Kipsang, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

PhD Student, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Susan Wasike, Catholic University of Eastern Africa

Lecturer, Catholic University of Eastern Africa


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How to Cite

Kipsang, R., & Wasike, S. (2021). Innovation as an Enabler of Humanitarian NGO’s Performance: A Review of Literature. Journal of Entrepreneurship & Project Management, 5(1), 64–80. Retrieved from


