Bolts & Nuts Of Successful Entrepreneurship

Bolts & Nuts Of Successful Entrepreneurship


Author: Dr. Ben Getange

Co Author: Kennedy Nyaberi.

Publisher: Stratford Publishers.

Year of Publication: 2025.

Pages: 110.

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Stratford Peer Reviewed Journal & Book Publishing.



Do not get miffed when things do not work the way you planed. Start by finding out why they have not worked out the way you expected before you call it quit. This principle is essential to make one succeed in entrepreneurship. The New Entrepreneurs (NE) do not rely on their whims and resources to succeed in entrepreneurship but they are grounded in tactics and strategy to propel them to success. In my years in primary school, I used to see a marathon runner who intentionally allowed himself to stay behind others for the half of the distance during the race but could emerge to defeat everyone a head of him in the second half of the race and maintained the front line for the remaining distance and finally to emerge as the winner. This I think was a matter of tactic and strategy because maintaining the lead in the second half all the way to the finish line was more critical than taking the lead in the first half only to be overtaken in the second and final league. I am not alluding to the notion that one should stay behind only to make effort towards the end of a cause he or she is undertaking, but it is important to always stick to your strategy, which assures you victory and shapes your destiny. Do not forget that success does not entail only crossing the finishing line ahead of everyone else but more than that, it is about overcoming obstacles and challenges on the way while fixing your mind on the price. In this book, the author has entitled it Nuts and Bolts of entrepreneurship to highlight what needs to be tightened or loosened in the effort of achieving one’s dream in the world of entrepreneurship. Concluding that the author has given the best scenario of what ought to be done may be an overstatement instead what the author has done is tasking your intellect to question the road taken by many and probably prefer the one not taken often in the event that it is the one which propels you to achieve your dream. Effervescence is not the character of an entrepreneur as everything he does should be based on sound and practical reasoning and tested models.

This book is intended to be an eye opener especially for those who have learned business theoretically and need to interrogate themselves in order to identify where theory and practice converge or precisely where academia and business join hands to orient the mind to practicality and possibilities for everyone to find his or her niche. I cannot say that the book is intended to be used in academia nor do I say that it shouldn’t but all the same it presents a snap shot of academia and practice in issues of entrepreneurship. I have learned that sometimes simple case studies can be used to illustrate complex problems and suggests solutions for the same. In this book, I have endeavored to make a personal and passionate appeal on the subject but drawn conclusions from scholarly views and observations. The author has also incorporated storytelling and poetry in some instances for illustration purposes. It is my hope that by perusing its pages it will enable you to have an engaging mind and vivid scenarios to make informed decisions in your entrepreneurship journey. I will be more than willing to get your feedback and suggestions about the content herein.

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