English Language Skills and Students’ Academic Performance in Rwandan Public Secondary Schools: Case of Bugesera District


  • Hakorimana Emmanuel Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
  • Adegoke Oyebimpe Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
  • Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


The aim of this research paper was to explore the effect of English language skills on students’ academic performance in Rwandan public secondary schools. Descriptive survey and correlation research designs were adopted.  The procedures that were used to collect data included closed-ended questionnaires for quantitative design and data was analyzed using  SPSS software, for the qualitative design, the researcher used interviews, open-ended questionnaires and classroom observation to obtain the data. The researcher used simple random sampling to select the schools in Bugesera from which the information was gathered; hence seven schools were sampled. Stratified sampling was used to categorize the sampled schools according to their zones and size. Simple random sampling was also used to select students and teachers as it gave them equal chance to participate in the study. Hence, the target population was 414 including seven (7) head teachers, seven (7) deans of studies, fifty (50) teachers and three hundred and fifty (350) students. By using the formula of Yamane the sample size was 203. After the data had been collected findings were summarized and general conclusion was drawn whereby 92.08 % agreed that English is used as the language of instruction, 6.34 % disagreed and 1.58 % refused to provide information, 6.26 percent use English in their communication, 95.26 % can write an essay in English and 93.67 % can read and understand the written materials. The overall average of students’ academic performance in national examination from 2014 to 2018 is 93.31 %. English language skills have great impact on the students’ academic performance as it was revealed by 92 percent of respondents and correlation coefficient is 0.874 which means that there is high positive correlation between English language skills and students’ academic performance. Based on the study’s results, it was discussed that although there are other intervening variables that affect academic performance of students, LOI is the most factor. It is therefore recommended that all stakeholders in education should make an effort to improve English language proficiency among students from nursery schools.

Keywords: Language skills, Medium of instruction, Academic performance & Academic achievement

Author Biographies

Hakorimana Emmanuel, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Postgraduate Student, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Adegoke Oyebimpe, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Member of Staff, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dean, School of Education, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda




How to Cite

Emmanuel, H., Oyebimpe, A., & Andala, D. H. O. (2020). English Language Skills and Students’ Academic Performance in Rwandan Public Secondary Schools: Case of Bugesera District. Journal of Education, 3(3). Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-education/article/view/542




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