The Use of ICT Resources and Teachers Performance in Government Aided Secondary Schools in Rwanda


  • Manasse Nsekandizi Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
  • Raphael Karanganwa Provincial advisor of SOMUMENYE, Greater Kigali
  • Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


The effective use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) resources plays a significance role in the improvement of teachers performance and school outcomes that lead to the quality of education. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to determine the relationship between the use of ICT resources and teachers performance in Public and government aided secondary schools of Rwamagana District. This paper employed correlational research design. The target population comprised 110 people and sample size of 86 respondents got by using Solvin formula. Observation schedule and questionnaire were used as instruments of data collection and analyzed by SPSS for quantitative findings and thematic approach for qualitative approach. The findings revealed that more than 50% of teachers use ICT occasionally as they use it one period per week while 48% of respondents stated that they use ICT at least 5 periods per week. However, the findings also revealed that more than 63% of respondents, their performances become high in all highlighted teaching practices when they use ICT. It was also found that there is a statistical significance relationship between the use of ICT resources and teachers performance in public and government aided secondary schools P-value = .000 < .01 and r = .533. This paper also recommends that Secondary school teachers should be technologically knowledgeable and be equipped with ICT skills and also trained regularly on ICT use in teaching activities.

Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Teachers Performance, Government Aided Secondary Schools and ICT resources.

Author Biographies

Manasse Nsekandizi, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Post graduate student

Raphael Karanganwa, Provincial advisor of SOMUMENYE, Greater Kigali

Provincial advisor of SOMUMENYE

Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dean, School of Education


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How to Cite

Nsekandizi, M., Karanganwa, R., & Andala, D. H. O. (2020). The Use of ICT Resources and Teachers Performance in Government Aided Secondary Schools in Rwanda. Journal of Education, 3(4), 48–66. Retrieved from




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