Parents-Teachers Partnerships and Students Discipline in Rwanda Secondary Schools


  • Byiringiro Dany Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
  • Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


The standard level of partnership between teachers and parents play a significance role in the promotion of students discipline inside and outside of school environment. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to establish the relationship between parents-teachers partnership and students discipline in Huye secondary schools. This paper employed correlational research design. The target population comprised 444 people and sample size of 88 respondents got by using JAVON, formula. Document analysis review, questionnaire and interview schedule were used as instruments of data collection. The findings revealed that 73.1% of respondents disagreed on the effective parents and teachers partnership based on management of students discipline. Despite, 27.7% of teachers sampled agreed that they work with students to solve discipline cases. The findings revealed that 54.9% of respondents indicated that students attend schools frequently while 45.2% indicated that parents are involved in management of students discipline. The findings also showed that there is no statistical significance relationship between parents-teachers partnerships and students discipline. This paper recommends that parents need to be sensitized on their contribution to student discipline and school authorities should allow teachers and parents to participate in school decision making that that can lead to students discipline.

Keywords: Parents-Teachers Partnership, Studentsâ Discipline, Secondary Schools & Rwanda.

Author Biographies

Byiringiro Dany, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Post graduate student, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dean, School of Education, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Dany, B., & Andala, D. H. O. (2020). Parents-Teachers Partnerships and Students Discipline in Rwanda Secondary Schools. Journal of Education, 3(4), 67–75. Retrieved from




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