School General Assembly Committee Involvement and Management Performance in Rwanda


  • Jeannette Marie Tuyishimire Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
  • Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


The involvement of general assembly committee in school, plays a greater role in the performance of the school management where school committee members sit together and share ideas that can lead to the effective school management. Therefore, this study investigated the impact of school General Assembly Committee involvement on school management performance in selected Nine Years Basic Education (9YBE) schools in Nyarugenge district in Rwanda. The study, employed descriptive research design which adopted both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The participants of this study, was 110 respondents derived by using census technique and the research instrument were questionnaire survey and guided interview. The collected data was analyzed by using SPSS software. The results indicated that the School General Assembly Committee (SGAC) involves various activities that can support the school management like making fundraising; school planning and decision-making. It was also found that involvement of SGAC enhance the efficient utilization of school resources and improvement of both school infrastructures and discipline. The findings of this study, indicated the R Square of .855 which means that, the effective school fundraising and planning and also decision making, are ready to make an impact on the performance of school management at 85.5% while the remaining 14.5% can be determined by other factors. The results also showed the correlation matrix between SGAC involvement and performance of school-based management. Availability of fundraising is positively correlated with improved infrastructure at 0.176** while school planning activities is correlated with efficient resource utilization at 0.284**. Involvement in decision making is high positively correlated with effective resource utilization at 0.845** with improved discipline at 0.874** and infrastructure development at 0.751**. This study proved the possibility of enhancing school-based management effectiveness through parental involvement. However, cultural differentiation ought to be taken into consideration when applying the research findings to different countries or regions. 

Keywords: School General Assembly Committee &, School Based Management

Author Biographies

Jeannette Marie Tuyishimire, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Postgraduate student, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dr. Hesbon Opiyo Andala, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda

Dean, School of education, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda


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How to Cite

Tuyishimire, J. M., & Andala, D. H. O. (2020). School General Assembly Committee Involvement and Management Performance in Rwanda. Journal of Education, 3(1), 41–59. Retrieved from




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