Authentic Leadership: Its Significance in Developing Authentic Leadership Practices


  • Ogochi K. Deborah Pan Africa Christian University


Almost all types of organizations extending from the private, public or even the non-government organizations are struggling with encounters and challenges that extend from ethical ruin, squalor and degradation to radicalism, violence and terrorism. These encounters and challenges that are facing the contemporary organizational leaders are not melting down, instead they are snowballing at an alarming rate more especially with the experienced changes in market demands, technical and technological developments, and high competition. Due to these challenges and setback, a dire need arose in search of new leadership styles and new kinds of leaders that aim at reinstating, restoring and reestablishing hopefulness, confidence, assurance, sanguinity and buoyancy as well as leaders who can help employees and other stakeholders in the process of searching self-awareness and better networks at the place of work. It is through authentic leaders that organizations can develop authentic leadership practices in all their operations and endeavors.

Keywords: Authentic Leadership & Leadership Practices.

Author Biography

Ogochi K. Deborah, Pan Africa Christian University

PhD Candidate, Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Deborah, O. K. (2018). Authentic Leadership: Its Significance in Developing Authentic Leadership Practices. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 2(5), 63–89. Retrieved from


