Effect of Progress Monitoring and Analytical Thoroughness on the on the Performance of East-Central Africa Division Office of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church


  • Ogochi K. Deborah Pan Africa Christian University
  • Dr. Wilson Odiyo Pan Africa Christian University
  • Dr. Walter Ongeti Pan Africa Christian University


Meeting the needs of high performance is determined by leadership and the decisions made by them in running organizations. Strategic leaders' characteristics are significant in the performance of an organization. The objectives of this study were to establish the effect of progress monitoring and analytical thoroughness on the performance of East-Central Africa Division Office of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Literature review was done considering; strategic leadership, the characteristics of strategic leaders, performance indicators, strategic leadership and performance. The study was anchored on participatory leadership theory. A conceptual framework showing the relationships between the independent and dependent variables of the study was projected with a summary of the operationalization of the variables. The researcher used a quantitative survey design. The target population of the study was forty (40) leaders in various levels of the ECD and it was a census study. The response rate was 100%. Data was collected using a questionnaire which was validated and its reliability tested using the Cronbach alpha. Data was analysed by use of descriptive statistics and hypothesis tested by correlation coefficient and regression analysis.  The findings of the study show that analytical thoroughness and monitoring of progress have strong significant effect on performance. The findings will greatly inform future studies on the influence of strategic leaders' characteristics on performance in faith based organizations and finally it will be of great help to the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and many other Christian based institutions policy makers, when they review and come up with their working policies. The study recommended that ECD top leadership should ensure proper structures are put in place to support progress monitoring. The study further recommended on the focus to facilitating analytical thoroughness by putting in place problem-solving tools in the organization. Finally, the organization may consider young people in the leadership various leadership levels.

Keywords: Progress Monitoring, Analytical Thoroughness, Performance & Seventh-Day Adventist.

Author Biographies

Ogochi K. Deborah, Pan Africa Christian University

Post Graduate Student, Pan Africa Christian University

Dr. Wilson Odiyo, Pan Africa Christian University

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, Pan Africa Christian University

Dr. Walter Ongeti, Pan Africa Christian University

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration Pan Africa Christian University


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How to Cite

Deborah, O. K., Odiyo, D. W., & Ongeti, D. W. (2019). Effect of Progress Monitoring and Analytical Thoroughness on the on the Performance of East-Central Africa Division Office of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership, 3(1), 76–92. Retrieved from https://stratfordjournals.com/journals/index.php/journal-of-human-resource/article/view/262


